WTT my 83 GPz 750 for something fun and interesting


New Member
She's an old beast but runs well and goes like stink. About 35k on the odo. Looking to trade for a first gen EX250 or Ninja 500 to use for track days. Maybe a Savage/Shadow/Vulcan to bob. Or an older big bore 2-stroke enduro a'la Kawasaki Bighorn 350. Anything fun and interesting as long as it runs well and is in good shape, preferably street legal :D

I'm in Central NY

Here are a couple of videos and pics, the smoke in the video is the water and engine cleaner burning off after a bath. Primary chains clacks a bit while warming up but quiets down when she's warm.

Cold start video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1I-PquEEbU&
Ride around the block - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W3nY6vIt_w&feature=relmfu





And she'll be gone this afternoon. Did a straight trade for a 2000 Triumph Thunderbird with 8k miles that needs some minor cleaning and carb work - leaking gas out the overflow. I needed another project in the living room anyway ;D
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