Your wife get mad when you buy another bike?


I've seen this happening in a lot of posts. Either a guy is selling his bike cus his wife hates it, or someone buys one and has to talk their way into keeping it. Whats up with that? Not to brag but in no way do I have this problem. My wife will actually LEND me money if Im short of funds when a cool bike is available. Without suggesting that you choose poorly when you were shopping for life partners, but isnt compatability with your passion for bikes something you would wanna check out before getting too serious? Lets hear some pro bike and anti bike wifey stories!

For me it goes like this.
Her- whatcha looking at
Me- ooooo this cool bike for sale, good price too!
Her- ooooo pretty, can I have it?
Me- I think you better master your car driving skills first
Her- Oh yeah, hey how come I never get to drive when we go anywhere?
Me- Thats right eh? We'll do some practicing later
Her-Anyways you gonna get it?
Me- Nah, dont need another one, whats for dinner?
I got into bikes after meeting my wife. Luckily she hasn't minded thus far, and I only have two in the garage. But I was talking about an idea I had for a bike the other day and she asked me the "How many motorcycles do you need?" question. I countered with "I could ask you the same thing about shoes." which then devolved into a conversation about her claiming that certain shoes going with certain outfits, and me explaining that certain motorcycles going with certain types of rides (and outfits.) So more or less, I'd say my wife is just tolerant of it. We pool 2/3rds of our income into a join account and savings, and then keep whatever is left over to ourselves. It keeps us from fighting about money. If I'm spending my money on a bike, she can't complain about it because we already know the bills are covered.
My girlfriend called me from the Baltimore airport last sunday to let me know that she was headed home. Between that phone call and the time I picked her up at the airport, I had bought, loaded up, unloaded, dropped the truck off and gotten my car. When she got in the car she asked me if I had been busy. She was cool with it. She knew that I had been considering getting a bigger bike to go ride with my dad.

She is harassing me about getting my side car mounted up.
I had a daily rider, and was able to get a project bike to work on, but my girlfriend said after that one, no more til she gets a ring on the finger. Thought that was pretty reasonable. The other bike is about half fixed, she is starting to think the money for her ring is going into new tyres and parts tho :-*
Generally my wife is cool with it so long as its under $300 bucks. And there's a small point that she learned years ago that I sold my bike at the time to put a ring on her finger, so she worked her ass off after we got married to contribute to getting me back on 2 wheels (my cb750). Then came the 500t which was an impulse buy @ $100 bucks, and I told her about it after it happened. She was cool with it and supportive... and I was shocked. Then came th cr80 that was her way of saying "thanks for letting me buy a bunch of stuff I can't remember", followed by the xr, which was sympathy for the cr80 being a complete turd, then the kawasaki g5 that im still trying to figure out what happened in return for.... so yeah, I guess we get even, but its all good cause I want her to have fun too.
Sonreir said:
My wife doesn't get mad. She gets even. :eek:
She'll buy something and I'll ask "Do we need that?". And she'll reply "Did we need another non-running, non-titled, "freebie" motorcycle?..."
Uh... ya got me on that one :p
Simple - my Wife doesn't go into my garage, so I figure there's no point in telling her what's in there. ;)

One golden rule - I NEVER use "household" money for my bikes, only money generated from the sale of old bikes unwanted bits. So my reasoning is - I'm a grown man. My money - my bikes.
My wife probably falls in ProSimex's descriptions. Except I didn't buy my first bike til after we got married. She sees a bike (or bike"s", pile of parts, whatever) and thinks of the short term purchase. Like how much did that cost you RIGHT NOW? But after something is fixed up, cleaned, and sold for a profit she is happy about it.

In the long run I tell her "it's not another woman, drugs, or anything. The mortgage is paid, the fridge is full, and we have heat."
I wanted a bike.

My wife wanted a baby.

She said "You can have what you want, if I can have what I want".

I got the bike.
No problems here. Once I taught her how to ride, she got her endorsement and the rest is history. I get chuckles from friends as I went from one motorcycle when I got married to seven now! In fact, she's bugging me to upgrade her Rebel 250 to a larger bike. And when we discussed selling some bikes to pay some bills, she drew the line at selling her dirt's her favorite! LOL
Lucky. After some discussion last night, it seems like my wife's biggest concern is space. I'm running out of places to put all of my motorcycle crap (along with the two bikes, I've got half a garage worth of parts) and she wants to park her new car in the garage over winter. I know that I'm probably going to buy at least two more bikes... potentially way more than that.

It's starting to look like I might need to rent a garage.
Garage space is a huge issue! It's butts to nuts so to speak when I have our Odyssey and Frontier in the garage with all of the bikes, parts, lawn care equipment, workbench, fridge, etc.
I have storage outside of the house, just kinda fail to tell her and put them elsewhere. Its working, today is our 6th annisversary. She's cool with what i buy anyway, she knows I don't buy anything unless it's a great deal and will be worth well and above what i pay for it. Which is cool, because I may have located another Indian...
Mine is fine as long as we have the cash, the first bike we didn't, and she was mad, but a nice weekend road trip 2-up that we saved $120 in gas vrs taking the truck and she decided she liked the bike. Now I know better to not buy a bike on the credit line again, but she is letting me miss our anniversary to go to Barber (Funds pending) and that is pretty cool. I told her we can celebrate it when I get home. Oh yeah and remind me to call her or I am a dead man.
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