Recent content by mocnyang

  1. mocnyang

    Cycle salvage yards?...WNY?

    distance really isnt a issue, a buddy of mine is going to be looking for one in the near future. He really wants CB750 sohc, which ive been trying to help him find one for a good price. If anyone know where a good spot to find one itll really help us out? he wants it for a cafe build and as...
  2. mocnyang

    Cycle salvage yards?...WNY?

    just putting some feelers out there to see if anyone knows about a salvage yard for old bikes in western ny? I grew up going to one in WNY but it was closed down a few years back. Just some needs for myself and some friends of mine.
  3. mocnyang

    New in town

    My build is going to be a little different, Im not going to cut anything as far as the frame goes. All parts from this bike will remain intact and it will just be stripped and ill purchase parts when and where i can find them to modify. I am the second owner and i have the original registration...
  4. mocnyang

    New in town

    Yes, i had it on the road last year and its at my old mans now he starts it up weekly to keep the fluids moving.
  5. mocnyang

    New in town

    New to the site, though I would introduce myself. Ive been around motorcycles since my eyes opened for the first time (old mans been buying, building, selling them for decades). First bike I owned was a cb450 at the age of 14, never really thought about rebuilding it but the motor was locked...
  6. mocnyang

    my CB750 brat

    i know im a little late to the party but i seen this on bike exif and was inspired to do a brat with mine, a few years back picked up this 75 but due to military obligations i havent had time to build.
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