hahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha if by tuff one you mean broke as fuck then sure ill bite buuuut if tuff one means will not break at a gas station in ohio then we got a problem.JustinLonghorn said:So I got the aluminums all trued up and balanced with new rubber. While removing the old bearings, I realized how odd the sprocket looked.
Upon closer examination, I found the letters NEP followed by "Tuff One"
Google to the rescue. A company called N.E.P. manufactured Tuff One sprockets in the 70's. It is made of a nylon/plastic material and is 50% lighter than a steel sprocket. Here's to it actually holding up for me. Ha.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha ahh nopeJustinLonghorn said:I have been reading up on the non-metal sprockets all evening. From what I've read, the sprocket will be just fine. They are lighter and quieter than steel, and if alligned properly will last as long or longer than the stock sprocket.
JustinLonghorn said:Yeah, Yeah. HA!
Big Rich said:I know we joked about it earlier, but that would be on my "to be replaced" list. Maybe it's my ignorance behind the technology used, but better safe than sorry.