'75 GL1000 - "Pete"

Wire harness cleaned of road grime as well as the shelter frame and front upper engine mount tin. Also, had the final PT on my shoulder today. Should be good-to-go, although slowly as it gains strength.
Spent two days (well, maybe four hours total) cleaning the front wheel. Hope it is Ok to clean minor surface rust off of the cad platec spokes. Miced less than .01mm removed. The rim is DID. Also went out and started the tractor. Forecast for Friday is 3"-4", but that is a lot in these Southern mountains. We have chains on the tractor (just a garden tractor) and a snow blade. Usually, mounting the blade in November keeps the snow away.
Tractor startup was a good idea. Last week ended up plowing ~3" of snow off of our drive, the daughters (both ~1000 ft) and two neighbors' drives. Today, moved The Hunley to the hoarder's side of the basement which gave me a lot more room to work on Pete. A new set of plug caps came in, and things are rolling along now. Bitter cold forecast, so will be a while before things requiring outdoor work can begin.
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