A bit of ally polishing


Active Member
Some bits I polished up off the TX650. Fork legs had caliper mounts on both legs, As I was only using one disk I removed the caliper mounts,on the left leg before polishing.

Rims were scarred from hammers, screwdrivers and whatever else the PO could lay his hands on, I cleaned them up as best I could, then polished them.


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Side panels, spin on filter mount, chain adjusters, engine mounts, brake anchor and a heap,of other parts were made in my workshop, and then polished.


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Wheel hubs were in pretty good condition, but I did chuck them on the lathe, removed the casting bridges between fins, trued the fins, trued the flanges then polished.
The front hubs had two huge bridges between flanges, so I turned them down a little so I could get in with a mop, trued the flanges and polished them also.
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They look good. I just finished my side cases, forks, front and rear hubs on my CB550 Build and I know how much work goes into doing that many parts. It's not difficult, just tedious and boring. It's easy to see why so many people are just painting everything black....it's easy. For me, black has been done to death. In fact, if you look a little closer on a lot of black painted parts there's very little prep work and they look like the side of an old house that's been scraped and painted. Yours are going to stand out from the crowd. That many polished parts will make the bike pop. Make sure you post some assembled pictures.

BTW. I was thinking of clear coating the polished parts and most seasoned builders recommend against it but one of the pro builders recommended a product called Shark Hide aluminum / metal protectant. I used it on hubs, pokes and brushed aluminum wheels and it's invisible. Not a forever finish but longer term for motorcycles. Good reviews.
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Nothing sticks to polished aluminium. I tried two,pack, but it comes off when doing up fasteners, and if you don't prepare correctly,,it will oxidise under the two pack and turn white. There are products that advertise as suitable for polished aluminium, but realistically, nothing is going to stick, thats why when painting anything you have to sand first.
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