CL350 valve seat wear


Been Around the Block
Hey guys looking for your help in identifying what may be causing this on the left valve seat of my 350. Is this normal?
The first two pictures show the left seat and the third is the right. There is a noticeable difference here that was not there approx two years ago when the motor was last apart.


  • left_intake_valve_seat_1.jpg
    274.6 KB · Views: 261
  • left_intake_valve_seat_2.jpg
    261.6 KB · Views: 239
  • right_intake_valve_seat.jpg
    280.7 KB · Views: 264
Maybe the pictures aren't doing it justice, but are you talking about pitting on the seat itself, or above the seat, in the port?
Sonreir said:
Maybe the pictures aren't doing it justice, but are you talking about pitting on the seat itself, or above the seat, in the port?

short answer, Yes.

but I'm most talking about the pitting above the seat in the port. the difference in the from left to right struck me as strange.
End of service life for those seats man... when you stick the valves in the guides can you wiggle them at all? Looks like a trip to the head dock for a valve job.

Nothing like feshies:

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