After building my bike...
...I've finally put about 500 miles on it. From the get go I knew the front wheel had a little side to side run out. Probably a 1/16". so, I ignored the fact that the front had a little shake. While on a ride with some friends a couple weeks ago, one of the guys mentioned my back wheel looked completely bent. When I got home I checked the rear wheel for run out. It's about as true as you can get a spoked wheel. A paper's width of run out. But the tire is all sorts of fucked with about 3/16" of wobble to it, as if the tire mold was completely messed up. I'm starting to think the front is more affected from the tire than the wheel run out as well, but I'll be truing up the wheel to verify.
Is anyone else having issues with Lasertecs? Is there anything better I can throw on there?

...I've finally put about 500 miles on it. From the get go I knew the front wheel had a little side to side run out. Probably a 1/16". so, I ignored the fact that the front had a little shake. While on a ride with some friends a couple weeks ago, one of the guys mentioned my back wheel looked completely bent. When I got home I checked the rear wheel for run out. It's about as true as you can get a spoked wheel. A paper's width of run out. But the tire is all sorts of fucked with about 3/16" of wobble to it, as if the tire mold was completely messed up. I'm starting to think the front is more affected from the tire than the wheel run out as well, but I'll be truing up the wheel to verify.
Is anyone else having issues with Lasertecs? Is there anything better I can throw on there?