mount/balance in cleveland area


Been Around the Block
So i'm considering closing my eyes and letting my wallet do the work on mounting new tires for the kz440. I just don't know if i want to tackle it myself on the cement floor of the parking garage.

Anyone know of any place around Cleveland for mounting and balancing? I called pride of cleveland, but 180 bucks seems awfully high to mount two tires and tubes on spoked rims. Ohio Motorcycle (dealer) quoted 36 per tire, but i doubt that's all it will be out the door.

James, I totally missed this! Did you get them mounted? I do my own and could help if you need. Don't have a balancer though. I do know a guy that does this kind of stuff on the side. He's has all of the proper tools as well. Don't have his # but can get it if needed. No idea what he charges. Shoot me a call or text.

Cleveland Motorcycle Supply. Usually $25 per wheel, a tiny bit more if you have wheel locks. Mounted and balanced.
thanks apemummy, I ended up just going to Ohio Motorcycle, they're a dealer and they charged 35 per wheel. Great guys, great service, and they did it while I waited.
Good deal. Sorry I haven't got that # yet. Been working 6-7 days every week since end of Jan. There's bike nights starting this wed. At McArthey's in the flats bring it!
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