New electric diagram for my SR 250


New Member
Hello team,
Here is an electrical diagram with the Motogadget blue box for a Yamaha SR 250 (for mine from 1982 by the way for info).
I acquired a regulator/rectifier specific to this bike and a 12v lipo4life (lithium) bath and redid all the wiring as the diagram shows.
I can't wait to get started
Motogadget SR 250.png

Capture d’écran 2024-10-06 095546.jpg

Capture d’écran 2024-10-06 095652.jpg
Same for me, and I came across it by pure chance during my web searches, it will help to adjust the electrical aspect of the motorcycle by making the beast more robust and reliable! ;)
just an FYI, the regulator can get pretty hot under a seat like that and melt down and fry your lithium battery. Happened to me. I moved it so it got fresh air and haven't had a problem since.
Thanks for the heads up, it's much appreciated!
I changed the original regulator for a Mosfet style one that supports lithium batteries, which should normally reduce the risk, at least I hope so. I've seen Mosfet type models that were under the saddle and haven't heated up to date, but I'll do some usual checks out of good sense!
I'm also going to redo my wiring by replacing it with a Motogadget Blubox unit and I could have feedback on possible problems via the Bluetooth connection too. Wait and see!
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