photos from our club bike show last week in not always sunny melbourne


Vmax...why,yes i think i will
just goes to show what can be achieved with a little organisation and a lot of beer, it rained, it shone and there were still some of us left at 2 o'clock in the morning, d'oh

enjoy oh, and mines the lime green vmax and thats not me kneeling beside it, thats a skinny triumph owner and his needing to be fixed triumph, hence the tools
finally got photos of the acid zebra max....sorry couldn't get proper photos up but i'm a bit thick when it comes to stuff like this, come to think of it, i'm amazed i got these to work........enjoy and feel truly envious of an awesome paint job (if not perhaps the best paintjob finish in the world, i'm opposed to cruelty to sandpaper, or using the stuff for that matter)
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