If you guys have enjoyed these clips, you need to do whatever it takes to experience the TT at least once. I've been going every year since the mid 80s, because although I never intended to go every year, I was just totally hooked on the awesomeness of it all. Apart from the racing, which I believe to be the most fabulous bike racing in the world....the Isle of Man is a beautiful place to visit and explore in it's own right.
As Booligan said, visitors get the opportunity to ride the famous Mountain Circuit too. When I first started going, there were massive sections of the 37 mile circuit that had no speed limits at all, but over the years, the limited areas have become larger and more plentiful in order to reduce visitor casualties. To be honest, the only worthwhile unlimited section left now, is the Mountain section, which is about 7 miles towards the end of the lap between Ramsey and Douglas. This section used to be made one way on the middle sunday of the TT fortnight, between practice and race week. This sunday became known as mad Sunday, for obvious reasons, as the world and his mother were up on the Mountain giving it their best shot. However, the mix of abilities and machinery was huge....novices on 125's and superbikes being ridden hard by experienced riders. Inevitably accidents were not rare. However, for the last 5 or 6 years, the Mountain section has been made one way throughout TT fortnight, and although accidents still happen, I think they are fewer, as those wanting to ride the Mountain at speed can go any time they want. It also reduces the confusion for continental visitors dealing with driving on the other side of the road.
Anyway guys.......mortgage the house, get that kidney on ebay, and I'll see you on the Mountain next June !