Random acts of kindness - best week for a few years


Split personality, I fake being smart
Many of you know a little about my current situation.
Went to buy a set of 17" Ford Mustang wheels last night (guy only wanted $125.00 - with 65%-70% tread on tyres) 'wanted them out of his garage'
Anyway, it was cheaper than a pair of 15" tyres for my 'mini-pickup' (Mazda B2300) so I trundles off to get them.
We got chatting, I mentioned they were worth a lot more than he was asking (hey, I used to be paid to talk ;D ) and just mentioned in passing I was laid off, 3 herniated discs, etc, etc, etc
He had had a couple of time wasters (one complained the tyres were not 40 series ::) )
He told me he had worked in a Ford dealership to pay his way through college, had a bit of a laugh about service writers and labor times and wrenching in general
Anyway, he loaded wheels into truck for me and when I went to pay him he said keep your money
I was TOTALLY lost for words, (I mean, first I argued that I HAD to pay him, then HAD to give him something for them) I've NEVER had a total stranger give me anything worthwhile (usually a speeding ticket or bunch of BS ;) )
Just needed to share :) (just noticed our cat checking them out in second pic ;D )



Now that is cool, I love hearing of things like this. Some people call it karma PJ, guess you just had it coming to you. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rims, they look great on the truck.
It's a good sign that they're good people out there. Not everyone is greedy, some are willing to give just to give and nothing more.
There are many people out there like this.
I am happy that you found one.
Your situation will change for the better, you will see.

Good luck!!!
Karma PJ. Its coming back to you. This is awesome. The world needs more people like him
Thats Great to hear . Sometimes when you give up on humanity you have/hear stuff like this . Congrats you had it comming
Aren't herniated discs "fun"... I blew out from L2/L3 down in Feb 2002, had L4/L5 and L5/S1 operated on twice, went back to work in May 2005. Still not right but I'm not letting them cut again. Broke my shoulder in a bike wreck (20 mph, steering head locked up) in 2008, let the quacks cut on it, still isn't right. I think the screws are backing out (13+ screws, one plate from mid-arm to top of shoulder ball, broke the ball off AND into 4 pieces, that takes talent).

You lucked out and found somebody who still gives a damn about someone besides themselves. Don't rush your recovery process. Being out of work and low on funds sucks big time, but...
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