Redlight King - Old Man: Hipster Overload

Oh yeah, skateboarding, one more big hipster-pail. A few days ago I was driving down the road on a sunny day and there was a kid walking down the curb carrying a skateboard. Why? Was I carrying my fucking car down the road? Would I carry my bicycle or motorcycle? What the hell is going on?

The skateboard, the tattoo and vintage: just fashion accessories for post-MTV wannabee cunts is what is going on.
Neal Young sucks. I remember in about 1972 that whiney song "Heart of Gold" was played over and over and over and over and over again on the radio forever, that was all the Neal Young I ever needed, a life's supply right there. Oh, he had other songs? Maybe he changed a few things around but they all sound the same and are instantly recognizable, to me just one big bad song that I got sick of forty years ago. The only Neal Young song I listened to since heart of gold was once in the early eighties he came out with a fifties sounding song called "I'm Wondering", then it was right back to his usual whiney shit.

The best two things I ever heard anyone say about tattoos: A guy featured in the nineties in IH magazine "Tattoos are like Hemoroids, sooner of later ever asshole gets one". Then also back in the nineties I had a friend who had a punk band and was really into it, he lived it loved it and breathed it. I asked him "Hey, why don't you have any tattoos and piercing and hairstyle/clothes like all the other punk rockers everywhere?" His reply: " I guess I don't need attention as bad as they do..." The truth is always beautiful.....
Jesus Norton Guy.. Relax, or youre going to blow a gasket. Not that you would listen to me, seeing as I have a Japanese bike, and tattoos, and am under 50. ;)
Oh and I have tattoos too! :)

This being said, I can see where NortonGuy is coming from and of course he is entitled to his opinion.
Yep I have tattoos, I not only ride "jap" motorcycle appliances, I live them. I used to have piercings. I listen to Neil Young. I wear flannel, have horned rimmed glasses. I've been doing this for years. I'm over 45 years old for gods sake. Not sure what that makes me. If someone wants to categorize who I am that's fine and I guess I should expect it. I'm not trying to fit in somewhere. In fact much of the time its quite the opposite. I'm quite different than whats found in my area. I probably stand out like a thumb that's been squashed in an English wheel. I like to think of my life as a form of self expression. You may disagree.
I do however like quite a few Harley riders, surfers, skateboarders, hippies, greasy wrench monkeys, etc, etc, etc...well you get the idea. I probably dislike quite a few too. Anyhow, maybe it's not what they do, but more about who they are. I find that if i have an intolerance it comes more from their reasons behind doing what they do or maybe the person is quite simply a dick. A dick is a dick regardless of what culture or sub-culture he or she belongs to. I think what this thread has proven is its easy to become crotchety and intolerant.
Oh ya, he is. I wasnt arguing with him...

More like showing amusement at the fact that he seemingly hates everyone and everything. Must be a lonely life, only hanging out with other angry old guys. ;)

I mean, I know plenty of folks (several are members here as well) who fit into the groups that NG apparently hates, and I certainly wouldnt call them "attention seeking" because of their choice to get tattoed, or unskilled mechanically because they dont own antiquated Brit or American bikes that require constant repairs. (Which isnt entirely true, if the work was quality in the first place), or hipsters because they skateboard.

Just think its funny that a guy has no problem being that overwhelmingly judgemental, and angry. Ever think that kid carrying his deck was just takin' it easy? Maybe he wanted to walk for a bit. Nah, must just be some hipster trash.

I know we were all being judgemental towards a group of people in this thread. That said, the group we were giving shit is outwardly fake. Trying to be something that theyre not, and not hiding that fact at all. Trying to pretend to be something youre not is queer, and you deserve some shit for it. Hopefully it makes you open youre eyes and realize that being yourself is easier and better for the soul.

What NG is saying though is that if you in ANY way resemble the folks he described youre a douche. Thats a bummer. And as someone whos been getting tattooed since I was 18 (none of which I regret, or got to get attention... honestly) and been dressing in a way thats now hip (like lots of other people here, we must all suck) since we were young and it wasnt hip I think that the braod "fuck you" was a bit much.

As I said, if youre fake, and its apparent you deserve a little ball busting. Hopefully it makes you realize that it takes a lot less energy and makes you a lot happier to just chill the fuck out and do your own thing.
< 33yo and I Started getting tats at 18 also. Mostly hidden from sight until I decided I hated my freckles enough to start covering my arms. I skateboarded for at least 13 years as a kid (you should see my shins haha) Am I a hipster? No atleast not to my knowledge. As far as wrenching is concerned Ive been effing with anything mechanical since around 11 years old. I dont suck because I ride Jap bikes instead of brit or american. im just smart enough not to buy something that will spend more time on my lift than on the road. Same reason Ill never buy a german car. Or anything that the word Lucas has even been near. Hipsters will come and go. Such as the way of the hippy, the wigger, the raver, the goth...sure their are remnants of each scene but something else will be cooler next year. Its kids trying to fit in so they dont feel alone. Do I hate it? sure. I always enjoyed being a loner. Do I give a shit? Not really. If it helps them cope with life so be it. Its true with every generation. When shit like this bothers you remember these two words "Fuck It."
Yeah, I often poke fun at pop culture but find hipsters fairly harmless compared to say, Tea Baggers or gangsters. :-D
started skating at age 9, and still skate! I remember when just seeing a skater was grounds for being friends with them. I was a hipster when I was 9.
You're all a bunch of douches in your own way, except for me and NG of course! Lock up your wives and girlfriends Mooohuuwahahahahaha!

I want my 5 minutes back....
I ride a HD, always will have one... got a good amount of in ink, but i can not skate... ha ha ha

man i dont know... to me, at least in our area out here... seems like the vintage/metric comunity tend to be less tollarant of HD owners... i have noticed they are rude, mouthy, and assume that since your on a HD you have buckets of cash and never turned a wrench. this weekend i bitch slapped some punk ass kid for spitting on my dad HD herritage as he walked by. Guess his cool 70's leaking ass CB750 with clubmans was a bad ass bike in his mind... sad part is we only saw him do it cause we wanted to check out his CB when we saw him pull up... And of allpeople my dad was the one that stopped me from mud stomping him... just stupid ma... so stupid... this is why i country cruise... no bar hopping and bike nights for me... to much drama BS!
I ride a HD, have it Inked in my skin... have no racism for any make or model or rider... but for fk sake be yourself not some fn image.
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