You guys remember the video of the guy racing across BC?


Well... the police found out who he is and looking for him. I think he's gonna see a bit of a fine...
goodbye license forever! hello debt forever! I really do wonder though what the punishment will be. this guy is quite the idiot, not for going fast, but for lane splitting at over a hunder mph. if someone switched lanes he's dead and everyone around hims in a pile up....
the moral of the story is don't be so stupid as to do 100+mph while splitting lanes, and you sure as hell should not be recording it and posting it on the web. seems like a lame attempt at getting some recognition.
The picture they posted of him speaks volumes. He's wearing the "Total Douche" uniform.
I dunno... he looks like a fine, upstanding, young gentleman, to me.


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He has poor judgement for sure! But the method by which he is being prosecuted is fucked! I never saw "Him" doing anything in the video. SOMEONE was hauling ass... But, they should have caught him personally in the act. Then he should of been hanged.
What do you expect...? The culture that obviously inspires him, rides dirt bikes and quads, doing wheelies and stoppies in traffic. He's a derivative of of lame/and stupid, "pop" culture...
In fact, I believe they are making an "example" out of him to battle that pop culture.

I should say, "I hope thy're making an example out of him". Fucker!
jdub said:
Bet he likes UFC and date rape.

You didn't see it in the video but there was a quote from a witness saying that "while riding through traffic at 187mph, the douchecopter was actually date raping a UFC fighter on the bike."
The Giant Robot Co. said:
You didn't see it in the video but there was a quote from a witness saying that "while riding through traffic at 187mph, the douchecopter was actually date raping a UFC fighter on the bike."
Good one.

He's not the only one out there inspired by ghost rider, bombers etc.
The Giant Robot Co. said:
You didn't see it in the video but there was a quote from a witness saying that "while riding through traffic at 187mph, the douchecopter was actually date raping a UFC fighter on the bike."

Lmfao. That is gold.
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