"Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

xb33bsa said:
sorry dude you are wrong, it is stealing ,plain and simple
time to rethink your approach to life and karma both
in a way your are just like a bigot or a racist,and dishonest

oh man - that's priceless, you've been holding onto that one eh!

I'm such a bigot racist for not ratting a guy out to the man... I am a little afraid that big brother will take away my solent green rations if I don't report it but hey I'm just a communist.
I texted the guy and he said he talked to the dealer and its fine lol.

Ribo said:
oh man - that's priceless, you've been holding onto that one eh!

I'm such a bigot racist for not ratting a guy out to the man... I am a little afraid that big brother will take away my solent green rations if I don't report it but hey I'm just a communist.
no, for lumping all motorcycle dealers into a group of people you hate as if someone that owns a business is the enemy
"the man" ????
Midwestgl500 said:
It's called minding your own business... If it don't affect you in any direct fashion then ignore it for it just might save your life. Sure tell on the guy then he goes to jail files a motion of discovery to find out your name an address and shoots you and your family for ruining his life when he gets out. When all you had to do was mind your own business... I've been to prison and let me tell you revenge is top of the list in there. Not saying it would happen but hell who knows. Im totally with Ribo on this one. Your just a snitch to me if you tell on anyone about anything. Snitches deserve to die in ditches. This was something I learned growing up and not from prison. Real trust worthy people don't tell.. They react..
i will gladly and vigorously out a thief or someone who does harm to another person, fuck you and your ilk
Midwestgl500 said:
It's called minding your own business... If it don't affect you in any direct fashion then ignore it for it just might save your life. Sure tell on the guy then he goes to jail files a motion of discovery to find out your name an address and shoots you and your family for ruining his life when he gets out. When all you had to do was mind your own business... I've been to prison and let me tell you revenge is top of the list in there. Not saying it would happen but hell who knows. Im totally with Ribo on this one. Your just a snitch to me if you tell on anyone about anything. Snitches deserve to die in ditches. This was something I learned growing up and not from prison. Real trust worthy people don't tell.. They react..

This guy obviously owes money on the bike, that he probably purchased and couldn't finish paying off. There is then a lien on the bike, the bike belongs to the lien holder not to the poor sucker that buys it off of him for parts. They are then in possession of stolen goods, which is a crime... They might not be aware of this because they believe what ever this idiot is saying. Its not just "the man" who might get screwed over here, it could be some unsuspecting buyer who doesn't know the full details.

If we are talking Karma I would have to side with protecting a potential victim and bringing justice to someone who is trying to scam others for their own benefit.

"I've been to jail.... Snitches deserve to die in ditches" this made me laugh pretty hard. You could live by this motto or you could just be a contributing member of society that helps others.

On a side note, I have absolutely no problem with sticking it to "the man". If say Comcast, the most evil company in the world, sent me a check for $2,000 today on accident I would gladly cash it and not say shit about it.
GodSilla650 said:
This guy obviously owes money on the bike, that he probably purchased and couldn't finish paying off. There is then a lien on the bike, the bike belongs to the lien holder not to the poor sucker that buys it off of him for parts. They are then in possession of stolen goods, which is a crime... They might not be aware of this because they believe what ever this idiot is saying. Its not just "the man" who might get screwed over here, it could be some unsuspecting buyer who doesn't know the full details.

If we are talking Karma I would have to side with protecting a potential victim and bringing justice to someone who is trying to scam others for their own benefit.

"I've been to jail.... Snitches deserve to die in ditches" this made me laugh pretty hard. You could live by this motto or you could just be a contributing member of society that helps others.

On a side note, I have absolutely no problem with sticking it to "the man". If say Comcast, the most evil company in the world, sent me a check for $2,000 today on accident I would gladly cash it and not say shit about it.
Wow all of that is a complete hypocrisy. Everyone does something wrong. By your logic and xb33bsa then a law is a law no matter how big or small. Then how come you don't call the cops and report yourself every time you speed,rolling stop,DUI,smoke pot,download or anything. It's amazing how stupid and contradicting snitches really are. They will sure tell on someone quick but not themselves. If you won't tell on yourself and tell on everybody else your a lying,bigot ass snitch and in the end karma will have your day.
xb33bsa said:
no, for lumping all motorcycle dealers into a group of people you hate as if someone that owns a business is the enemy
"the man" ????

Fair enough - you have a point - I tend to get a bit fast and loose with my blanket statements. Not all motorcycle dealers, just the big corporate ones are set up to get as much money out of someone as possible and I know from my own experience that they have policies in place when working on older bike to make it more attractive to the victim customer to buy something newer from them. My tongue is in my cheek when I use the term "the man" it's just funny to me, but I am anti-establishment and I think that clearly this guy is just trying to get out of a bad situation. Would I do it? probably not right now but I can certainly say that if i was in a situation where this was the only way for me to feed my kids I certainly might. I'm not going to judge him cos I don't know his life and snitching on him without any reason is just kinda shitty.

This is an interesting debate, I love the way this happens on here and I try and keep it in perspective cos no-one knows the full deal. Personally, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, if he was trying sell a bike for parts that belonged to someone else that was going to be out of pocket on it personally then I'd be the first to say no and where I come from he'd get taken care of but to me he's just a dude that made some bad choices and is trying to get out of a bad situation.
Midwestgl500 said:
Wow all of that is a complete hypocrisy. Everyone does something wrong. By your logic and xb33bsa then a law is a law no matter how big or small. Then how come you don't call the cops and report yourself every time you speed,rolling stop,DUI,smoke pot,download or anything. It's amazing how stupid and contradicting snitches really are. They will sure tell on someone quick but not themselves. If you won't tell on yourself and tell on everybody else your a lying,bigot ass snitch and in the end karma will have your day.
hey fool,prison is full of fucking thieves ,that is what you are spewing , the code of thieves, go fuck yourself you filthy pos
xb33bsa said:
hey fool,prison is full of fucking thieves ,that is what you are spewing , the code of thieves, go fuck yourself you filthy pos
Now I see why probably most guys on this forum would like to punch you in the mouth or worse because sir I would love to step in line for that. As for this ignorance.. You and your subject can go get fucked and I'm out! Before I get banned for saying something to real.....
Midwestgl500 said:
Now I see why probably most guys on this forum would like to punch you in the mouth or worse because sir I would love to step in line for that. As for this ignorance.. You and your subject can go get fucked and I'm out! Before I get banned for saying something to real.....
thats probably a wise choice my friend...He rarely posts anything positive..EVER !! You are being the bigger man and dropping the subject.
I disagree with the whole snitches should die thing. And also the whole if it doesn't affect you then MYOB.

If I see someone who is clearly drunk driving on the freeway, you bet your ass I call them in. Why? Because I rather him spend a night in the drunk tank, then kill someone on the freeway. I am sure we can all agree that if we had a family member who was killed by a drunk driver, we would all wish that someone had called the guy in, and maybe it wouldn't have happened.

And you are right EVERYONE breaks the law in some way whether we realize it or not. But ethics is a personal thing, it's only when it effects others that I will step in. So no, I wont call the cops for a rolling stop, or someone smoking pot.

If I see someone breaking into a house across the street, then I will absolutely call the cops. Why? Because I don't want them coming back and doing it to my house.

When I was younger and did stupid shit, I had the same mentality. I thought all snitches were bad. But now, that I am clean, I am glad I was snitched out and got caught. If I hadn't been caught I would still be doing the same shit, and I would probably be a whole lot worse off than I am now.
I solved the dilemma of the "stolen" part bike ad. I just flagged it for removal from Craigslist.

On the one hand I have bought a motor years ago from a bike that had been cut to pieces for some reason, but the owner had all the pieces. But that was in 1995 and the bike was a 1983. So I assumed if it was in fact a bike that someone reported stolen and parted out, it was long since forgotten by the dealer who sold it ten years ago.

On the other hand, if more people were to finance bikes, welch on the loan and part the bike out it would become next to impossible to buy a bike on credit. Not to mention all the profits the dealers would be out, which would mean a bunch of guys, guys who likely are also motorcycle riders, would be out of jobs. Plus no more parts department full of stuff you may need at the last minute, on a Sunday morning when you want to go riding but have a fouled plug and are out of 2 stroke oil.

Its not up to you to decide who its okay to steal from. Maybe I think YOU have plenty of money and are an opportunistic jerk, so you can easily buy yourself tools to replace the one in the box I just walk off with from you pit stall at the track. After all you have such a nice truck, and you are racing a Ducati, while I have a crappy old Honda and a ratty Datsun. Plus you are sponsored by one of those evil corporate dealerships. Hell I should take your gear too, but I don't think it will fit me because my balls are so obviously bigger than yours.
Re: "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

Parkwood60 said:
Its not up to you to decide who its okay to steal from. Maybe I think YOU have plenty of money and are an opportunistic jerk, so you can easily buy yourself tools to replace the one in the box I just walk off with from you pit stall at the track. After all you have such a nice truck, and you are racing a Ducati, while I have a crappy old Honda and a ratty Datsun. Plus you are sponsored by one of those evil corporate dealerships. Hell I should take your gear too, but I don't think it will fit me because my balls are so obviously bigger than yours.

This. Is hilarious.
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