CB360 Whatchmacallit

yea i have yet to see anybody else use it on here, not sure why, i really liked the stuff.
Wow, sad how slow I am. I didn't give up, just slow and between new house, work and it being summer and getting to ride alot, kinda been sorry about my project. Well got my frame welded and painted it the last couple days and been cleaning parts. PO really liked black paint so getting it off of everything. My frame and few other parts or in the oven curing (AKA my truck)


and the rest of the bike along wall in carport till my wife throws a fit
After a ride in the forest the other day I think my Whatchmacallit might be a little more enduro'ish. Not nothing to crazy just something for some light trail riding that is more comfortable than my 130 hp Z1000, I am to old to fall every time a root makes my right hand twitch.
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