DO THE TON Mama Tried 3 - Alabama 2012 - New and Improved with event pics!

Tim said:
We didn't get the clear runs like we did last year. But I do have at least one more commute captured in 1000 pictures (literally). The camera was set to take a pic every second or two, so I'll see about stringing them together.

I accidentally had Go-Pro do same thing, going to take a while to make an 'animation' from them
troybilt said:
Mitchell you have more? Wow!


Tim said:
Knew those pucks would be a hit :)
Speaking of the pucks Tim...Turn that puck over...They were made in Rantoul Illinois. About 25 minutes from my house. small world.
Man I sure hope Mitch has a little RD love in his files......
Funny how everyone is on edge to see their bikes
Mr.B said:
Where can i find more on this bike?

Man I totally missed this one at Barber. I'm looking for an RD right now but something like that sure is tempting.

Bout flippin time!...I was beginning to think I spent all that time, money and effort simply for the adventure and camaraderie! So, now everyone can see how I rate, even w my own family. LOL thanks dude! It was a blast to get to spend the weekend and share that experience w you.
Not sure if this is a DTT person or not but this was in front of the tents. My only pic with a person on their bike.

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