Ground Resistance

Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

I have liked the evolution of this project. Very thought out. I second (or third?) a polished tank offer from Chris. Give it some pop. You can always change it if it's not you. Gotta you mom cool putting motorcycle parts on the couch? You realize you posted the evidence? Nice work on the bike keep it coming.
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

They were clean, and I haven't lived with Mom in a long time. The wife doesn't care what i do though, as long as the bills get paid. :)

As far as thought out goes, that tends to be my bane as much as a point of pride. If it were possible to think something literally to death, I'd be the guy to do it. I'm to the point of just wanting to get to the real work, but there are so many variables its like waiting for the stars to align just right.

Thanks for the interest. It is a real boost!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

I really really really like the color combo... one step further than just color it is texture that makes it man! nice work!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

have you thought about making the side covers out of plexi glass? then you can lay out your decal on it, shoot the side cover. tap a LED in too each side of the plexi, then when you light it your decal area will all light up... look trick!
either that or some decritive brass style woudl work as well... i am going to wrap my parts on my cb350 in this before i powder them... but if you just make your covers out of this that would look cool as hell!

(maybe not brass but nickle or black chrome would be dope)
liek this

there are a ton of styles here at
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

That's the spirit Joe. Way to think out of the box man. That pattern isn't what I am after, but you are on the right track. I'll look to see what I can find. Thanks!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Hey brother those painted bits look fantastic. I love everything. Can't wait to see those shocks back together. You said, "...finesse is not my strength. I can be pretty heavy handed during design". Oh really...? Have a hard time convinencing me of that. Really nice job so far. Keep it up!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

;D I do what I can... ;D

I am heavy handed though. I design like I tatoo. Dig in deep and whatever is bled out wasn't meant to be there. I know that you guys will make sure I pull this thing off well, so no worries.

I appreciate all the complements, and I am in awe that the guys with the sickest builds around keep showing so much support. It really keeps me on task. I just wish I had more time and money so you would not have to wait so long for the pay off.

4 days till I finish the seat. Hopefully that will keep your interest perked.
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Progress report... not much progress. The plus side is I have a lot of time off the next three weeks or so, starting with the next three days off. The down side is I was supposed to hit Houston to help my Bro put a roof on Mom's house, but he finished without me (with other help ;) ). So why is that a bad thing? Because that is where the industrial machine is for my seat. Since we are taking a trip down for Thanksgiving, this one has been called off.

Damn..., seat is back burner till then. Arrrrrrgh!

The plan now is to hit the wheels and fork lowers. I also have a side project going this week that is a worthwhile pursuit for the evenings and during paint drying times. Should be a productive couple days, so stay tuned...

in the man time there is a bike of the month thread and less than half of the worthy bikes have been nominated... and NO ONE has accepted there nominations.

Unhumm... (clears throat)... Hint, Hint...

Screw subtlety. Joe and Troy get your asses over there accept yo' props. Lets light this candle!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Great progress man, it has been a minute since I looked at your thread and WOW, its looking great!

Joe, I just can't agree with the LED plexi idea, may be a little too "fast n furious" for a cafe build! Just my .02!

Cheers man, and keep up this work! Great stuff!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

ha ha ha have to agree on that one... lame idea.... ha ha ha
Ask any racer, any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning.
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

JRK5892 said:
ha ha ha have to agree on that one... lame idea.... ha ha ha
Ask any racer, any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning.

if your gonna do it do it right :p (dont get me started with F&F quotes lol)

You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me? Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried. Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

JRK5892 said:
ha ha ha have to agree on that one... lame idea.... ha ha ha
Ask any racer, any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning.

wait until your intake manifold malfunctions and your custom diomond tread floor boards rivets pop loose! (I guess it was from the pressure ???)

Sorry about the tread jack, but I needed some good humor today and my good friends at DTT have been providing!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Damn force, I guess you don't really care for that film, and you may have seen twice huh! LMAO!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

yah well i thought if i got on your good graces you might let me keep my car

you are on my good graces but you aint keeping your car
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Ok, got a little done. Shocks are together, and I likey. Fork lowers got the treatment.

I like the little grooves on the stock forks, but they have so many more angles than K forks. I hated sanding all the nooks and crannies but I got it done. Are the vertical ribs for reinforcement?

The first attempt I sprayed black, taped the grooves, and sprayed the silver over it. No good. I had to tape, sand down the tape, then paint. It did not seal as well as I would have hoped on the edges, and silver got in. Good thing I did a test run. Sanded it off and laid on the silver. Black will go next.

The pic at least gives an idea of the look. Should be nice. I really like the low gloss look of the shock too. I rigged a system to reassemble the first shock, which caused the piston body to get scuffed under the spring. So that got resprayed... Then the second got assembled with more care.

Moving right along ::)

Oh yeah, you guys need a hobby... :D


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Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Very nice work brother! That shock is very sexy. Reminds me of something you'd find on an Exile bike. Really nice work! Keep it up man.
Oh yeah, thank you very much for the props on my bike. Much appreciated!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Credit where it is due brother. I had never wanted a bobber, or anything resembling one until I saw "Beat the Clock". Now my dreams are racked with visions of a low slung monster that leaves a wake of shattered tarmac wherever it goes.

Darn you Troy... On a side note I could probably restore my doner motor and... Darn you to heck!
Re: CB750-F3 'Filthy Beast'

Hahaha, It's like when your neighbor gets a new car. Give it time and the feelings will go away ;)
Anyhow, Lets get this one done first then we can talk bob stuff. ;D I love what you have designed for this beast and you have a real nice start. The fact that you were willing to redo those fork legs a couple of times over says alot. Can't wait to watch it all come together!
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