12' fishing boat using PMF

This is awesome, Mike. Pretty much similar to how we build our EV race cars. Hadn't thought to build a boat this way, so now I think we have to try.

Thanks Irk I've watched you do this kind of thing a lot and figured you know how LOL. we're still working but I am waiting till this weeks budget to get more foam. We bought some other things we need later in the process earlier do to availability and sales. I may have found some used 2'x8' 1.5" close to home if the seller would just stop flaking on a meet up that will save us $100 and allow us to move faster. Fingers crossed it works. No pics but we have all the steps almost smoothed out and one of the 3 bench seats in. Got a score on spray foam cans for $2 ea and use those to fill gaps in places etc. built the seat and threw waste chunks in the hollow and then spray foamed in it and made a solid foam from that to use up waste bits.
Ok so with this weeks and last weeks budget we got more foam. 1" and 1.5" and have started on the sides and will get the back and bow done. May need one more sheet for seats.
Sadly though the oldest decided I needed to show him how to do body work on the newest car in the fleet. Mom wasn't impressed but he's paying for the parts and I think I can fix the crack in the painted part.
I prefer the sculptibility of the Owens-Corning pink foam vs the DuPont. The DuPont tends to want to compress and smooth when using Surform rasps, riffler rasps and sandpaper, whereas the pink foam delaminates with the teeth of the rasps.
I prefer the sculptibility of the Owens-Corning pink foam vs the DuPont. The DuPont tends to want to compress and smooth when using Surform rasps, riffler rasps and sandpaper, whereas the pink foam delaminates with the teeth of the rasps.
Yep. If I had more sculpting I'd have paid the premium for the pink. Its $15+ a sheet more here x 6 sheets ot adds up.
Someones pulling her weight. Sides being laminated. Once dry they will get glued onto base. Then stern will get cut and fitted. That will have 1/4" ply on both sides for strength and mounting the motor.


More work easter weekend. Getting closer to a boat. Need one more half sheet to finish the middle seat and bow. Will use what we have for the bow till we run out. Grabbed a sheet of 1/4 mahogany ply. This will do the stern, then top rails and bow. Some under the PMF some on top, stained and poly coated as an accent but to protect the foam.
Got some more done over the weekend. I grabbed it an put it back up on the saw horses. It's about half done and I Just grabbed the side and lifted it right up. Even if I double the weight with the cloth and paint it will be way easy to handle in and out of the water and truck. Really liking this little project. Need another can of spray foam. I cleaned the can I used for filling in cracks but it still gumbed and I lost 1/2 of it. At least is was $2.99 not full price. I'll get another 2 cans if Marden's have any left. Then I'll wait till I am ready to use a whole can at once. Also I grabbed it by the gunnel and it is super sturdy. Not a bit of a wobble when I lifted it to the horses. After the cloth and glue/paint I think it will be rock solid.
So no real progress over the last couple weeks. too many other things needing done. Hope to get back on this tonight. I did get a battery from Battery hookup, that place is great. It's a 30AH LifePo4 and is really compact and light. It should be super. Hopefully tonight we get the last of the structure in and glued so we can start the cloth process. Fishing season started but the weather hasn't been great but that will change soon.
OK so got the last seat done, and most of the last side and front parts are cut and ready to glue in. Forgot pics but really close to the cloth part which is the part I am most interested in and hope to do well.
Nice man.. are you gonna wrap the whole thing in fiberglass? Looking forward how this thing is in the water
so this poor thing has taken a back burner to car/truck/camper issues. It sits ready to cover in the glue/fabric/paint but haven't had time for it. We may get to use it in a few weeks once all the car inspections are done. Williams car failed and needed parts, we did that and then they found more wrong, so more parts ordered, the Pilot failed and I have been busting knuckles to get it fixed, ended up chancing a small camping trip with it not finished.
Finally back at it. Got the bottom covered in drop cloth and glue. More to go but feels good to get at it again.
Got a little glue on the wifes iron so will have to clean that. Works well to smooth and set though
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