2 new toys


Been Around the Block
Just added to the stable this weekend. The '78F is in very nice shape, and the '81 750 SuperSport is absolutely stunning!!!!! They are staying in there original pride and glory!!!
Are you in Ontario, I saw that 81 for 800 bucks, looked like a great deal but my garage is full lol. Nice find.
Killa.....how much should I be spending for a 1975 CB750SS running and decent body condition? I don't want to get screwed...
midnightcafe said:
cmon, that 750F is begging to be cafe'd!
The F is not getting hacked, it's way too nice for that fate. I have a '78K which I paid $400 for, and it was about $200 too much, which is being cafed. I call it Project Shitbag. Why Shitbag??? 'Cause women are trouble, and calling a bike some lame womans name is just fuckin stupid, and wrong imo! The '78F will be put up for sale shortly, (runs real sweet) and anyone who even whispers cafe will be sent on their way without the bike.
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