$50 mod thread

crazypj said:
I knew that.
I bought one several years ago.
Doubt it will ever wear out on wood?
It doesn't like body filer much though :D
It's quicker if you knock the edges off nut with bench grinder and make it '12 sided' so closer to round, then, put a stud through drill table slot and use wood block between it and file/drill column to support file (not that I've ever done it ;) )

Anything that changes resonant frequency can work, foam, (low density) silicon, (higher density) Steel or lead (OEM)
You could Google Mass Damper' and see what comes up?

I made a new work bench because I needed a place to rebuild a couple Cb350 engines. I'm still finishing it up but it's almost done. I like tall work benches so the table top is 45" from the floor. I bought 16 2x4s, 1 sheet of 7/16" OBS and 1 sheet of white 3/16" pressed hardwood for the top. Cost was just under $50. White allows light to bounce off increasing visibility. I interlocked the pieces and nailed them with my nail gun. It would be nearly impossible to make a table like this without a nail gun. It's super strong and holds some of my stuff that has just been floating around.



I hope this isn't a repost.I don't remember seeing them.Both of these benches should come in under $50.Not really a mod but ya gotta start building somewhere.


$20 deathboard

Ok here's one for you on the cheap.
I have four of these here, I use them for moving 'the legless', if I've pulled the wheels or suspension off a bike and need to set it aside I use one of these. It's a random piece of plywood 3/4" roughly 48"x18" with a 48" long hunk of 2x12 screwed to the bottom for a little extra rigidity. The wheels were salvaged from a defunct rolling shop stool, cheapos from the local autoparts stores are just fine.
In total and build from fresh materials nad new casters you could build this for 15-20 bucks. They are most handy for toting that semi-stripped chassis around.

They are not however good as skateboards unless your goal is a concussion and possibly a broken ass. Just a little FYI


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Re: $20 deathboard

Swagger said:
They are not however good as skateboards unless your goal is a concussion and possibly a broken ass. Just a little FYI

... hahahaha.... that made me laugh.. thanks Swag.. I really needed a laugh :) Cheers ;D

p.s. the dolly set-up is the way to go... use it myself... except our castors are dearer here ???
I thought I would throw this in here as well.

Sturdy Shelves around $30.
There was a comment on that one from a guy that used some old closet doors to make a shelf. It's not too hard to find old doors that people are throwing out, but don't want to try and dispose of. I often see them on my local classifieds website for dirt cheap or in the free section. I picked up 14 solid oak doors last summer from someone that was updating their house and they were free, they made great kitchen counter tops and 2 workbenches, the only costs were gas (4$), screws ($30), and of course time (priceless).
This wasn't intended to be specifically for the shed but the missus hates it so it'll become a garage creeper eventually. It was supposed to be a guitar stool, but I guess I'll have to buy a new one then right?

One grinding disc, one welding rod, some burnt hairs on the left leg.

One old chair from the side of the road, some material salvaged off a couch I threw out some time ago.

Take old chair


Mark out where to cut off the pivot and cut that sucker off




Remove the material from the seat base



Mark out a circle and cut out the timber base



Do the same with the foam



Cut off some bits to use as brackets and weld them on




Trim the base with the old couch material



Drilled and countersunk with the old dressing material fitted



Bring it inside and have the other half tell you she thinks it's nice but you should keep it in the shed....

Nice one Staffy. I have an old computer chair I was thinking of doing the same with, this will give me the guidance, thanks.
Did the exact same thing with an old chair someone was throwing away. Works great when working along side the bike. Two notes of caution, though, based on my experience with THIS chair: 1 - If it is the kind that tilts back by hitting a lever, DISARM THAT LEVER!, and 2 - Make sure you pick it up from the trash heap with gloves on. THE PREVIOUS OWNER MAY HAVE BEEN A HABITUAL NOSE-PICKER WHO LIKE TO WIPE HIS FINGERS UNDER THE CHAIR!!!

That last one STILL tries to give me the dry heaves!
Okay, I needed a tail light and decided to make one with parts I had on hand - only cost "would" have been paint, but I had that too!

tore down old brake light - so that I could use the bulb socket, and tore apart the turn signal.

used a threaded hollow bolt to pass the wires thru - even the little bracket with 3 holes, was stolen from the old brake light assembly - and used some Red plastic spray paint to paint the lens.

Wired up

bolted up

Lit Up!!!


Looks a lot better in person, not too happy with how it looks in the photo, but up close you would not know that the plastic has been painted, and when lit - it looks very cool.

Also made a cool little Neutral Light and installed it in its proper spot
looks great man! i have also done the same and swapped to LED sockets. turn sigs make awesome tail lights!
That's cool, would never have thought about that. mostly those signals just hang out in a box. I think the bobber project will get that treatment.
I used Harley signals all the time cause you can get red lenses super cheap and the front turn sigs are alreayd duel filament

brat wing (stock HD turn sig coated and red lense)

ran duel Hd turn sigs coated on my cafe

the KZ house hoper got a vinitage HD turn sig with visor all coated

Joe, what did you use to paint the lenses? I've messed with thinned lacquer and 'stained glass' paint.....
all of them are red lenases that can be purchased really cheap... i think years ago we may have died the one on the KZ, i am not sure if i mixed trans red in with clear and then shot it with the air brush or if we actually died it... let me shot my bro an email and ask... we may have just bought it cheap as well. ill get bakc to you
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