Anyone near Pittsburgh riding on the weekends?

I'm taking Jen out for the day this Saturday on the trike, which will be a wee bit boring, with all of the...
"your going too fast around these bends"
"why are you racing that kid, I don't care what you do when I'm not with you, but..."
When you accelerate like that, my ears hurt"
and on and on...
So anyway,
Anyone want to get together for a ride Sunday, we can meet at my place which has a rather large parking lot, or anywhere else...
Well, the BMW is down until I get a valve adjuster. Maybe take the cb450, but it isn't legal. Meh.
Well, this obviously did not happen with me. I was successful in my quest to be hungover today :)
I went out for a few hours on the CB750 in the afternoon, and just got back from another couple hours on the GS500...
All in all, twas a nice day...
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