Appliance Epoxy - Results


New Member
Just thought I would share my results. I followed these instructions to a T and they ended up laying over real nice. Currently they have been curing for 2 days now, The photos that are posted and just 15 minutes after. I guess we will see how it turns out, what is cool is the guy below did a couple test subjects to see how the paint holds up in various elements. As for gas, well I am just going to be real careful ;)

I'll post more photos on how they hold up too I suppose.

The seat cowl looks a little funky in the photo b/c it's not perfectly flat and is kinda wavy so it makes it look odd.

P.s these even look better in person, photobucket kinda killed the quality.

Link I followed - + heating up the cans of epoxy :D



Nice! It says to apply directly over metal though, I've painted a couple frames in the black and they all turned out great!
Yeah, I know it does. We'll see how it holds up I suppose....

My steps included
Laquer Thinner
Laquer Thinner
600 wetdry
Laquer Thinner
Primer - Cure for week
Lightly with 400 wet
600 Wet
Clean off with soapy water
Dust free cloth
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