Are you in the Dirty? (attn newbs)

No, Clem. I'm not, I went to Holy Cross highschool though. Some of my buddies are from "tha Parish" and I freqent the area pretty often. I'm from Slidell, so its only 35 mins away. Are you from Chalmette?
Hmmm... doesn't look to "dirty" to me... A little strange maybe (A few weeks ago my neighbor's kid shot his mom in the back of the head. She's OK (.22) but was arrested (again) for child abuse as soon as she was released from the hospital.).

Anyway, Lenoir City, Tennessee here (just south of Knoxville).

Shiny Side Up!
ronnie said:
I went to Holy Cross highschool though.
My younger son (16y/o) is a Junior at HC. Absolutely loves the place. He's only known the new campus though.
Oh that's awesome! Yea the new campus is amazing but it doesn't have the old nostalgia like the original. But they did an great job on the new, it's beautiful. Did you go to HC back in the day?

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Nah, I graduated from Bonnabel HS, but I spent almost all my time hanging out at East Jeff HS as my friends went there.
Oh I got ya.. Cool man we played them in soccer. Cool deal!

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ronnie said:
No, Clem. I'm not, I went to Holy Cross highschool though. Some of my buddies are from "tha Parish" and I freqent the area pretty often. I'm from Slidell, so its only 35 mins away. Are you from Chalmette?
I live in Thibodaux but I have worked in the Metairie/Kenner area for awhile. We had a few that worked with us from the New Orleans East area, otherwise I probably wouldn't know the Chalmette slang! I was just picking at you bro. Cool to see that they have a few "locals" hanging on the DTT board. Do they have any other guy's in your area that are into old bikes? I know they are pretty tough to come by in South Louisiana.
clem said:
I live in Thibodaux

Soooooo... Coonass then? :p :D

For the longest time, I was the only vintage bike I saw. But they seem to be showing up more often now. Smajure is in Metairie as well, and we've been riding around the area a bit. Last weekend we hit up a local Cruise Night and had this old girl putt-putt through the parking lot...

'74 RD250 in near mint condition! It was a cool "before and after" experience.

A little while later a guy on this Moto Guzzi V50 Monza rolls up and asked to park with us.

I said "Sure, come class up the joint!" He parks, and pulls off his helmet. Low and behold, It's local celebrity Benny Grunch...

Turns out Mr. Grunch is an avid motorcyclist and has a few old bikes.

I'm seriously considering putting some kind of vintage bike get-together in the works... again.
Redbird said:
Soooooo... Coonass then? :p :D

Yea, you could say that.I reside in Chackbay but most people don't know where that is so I just say Thibodaux. Heck I'll even throw in a little cajun french every now and again. I'll bring some boudain and beef jerky from here when I go up to Barber just to answer that question. ;)
Is that the same Benny that does the Christmas spoof music? If so, I worked with his girlfriend for awhile when I had an office in the galleria building off of causway. I do remember her saying that he was into old bikes and had a few in the gargage.
Chris, whose yamaha is tat in the middle? The one with the red race stripe, and the gold painted head. I saw that bike at the church I go to in Metairie, called vintage church off napoleon.

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  • uploadfromtaptalk1348981118296.jpg
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Yup, that's Scotts '75 RD350.
That's also his pink bicycle next to the RD ;)

Clem, I know what you mean about Chackbay. I usually just tell people New Orleans, because when you say Metairie they go "Huh?". And yes that's the same guy. He said he had a rare Ducati with a sidecar, but Katrina took her.
Where in the world are you two finding those two smokers at around here? I'm looking for something like that for my next bike. I did go check out a pair here in Thibodaux awhile back but the guy was a bit delusional on what he had and basically wanted me to pay him to remove junk from his yard. I do have a friend that has a 500 and a 750 H2. He lives near Houma in Gray.
clem said:
Where in the world are you two finding those two smokers at around here?

I'll never tell ;) :p

Seriously though... Mine was local, but Scott found his in Mississippi and the '74 RD250 was an ebay score out of Florida.
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