arghhhhh this week/weekend killed me!!!!


Been Around the Block
sO MUCH COOL STUFF GOING ON THIS WEEK/WEEKEND! damn caps lock key! And I had to work for most of it. I am also bummed I missed the Psycho DeVilles CD premier party earlier this month. And right now, all I want to do is go out to the garage to work on the bike, but I have to get ready for work. Hopefully over the next couple of days I can get the bike in roller form.

Hope everybody had a great weekend and was safe! Take care!
I know the feeling. I'm up here in Rome and all the cool stuff seems to go on down in ATL. I don't often have time/money to ride that far for a bike night or whatever. Kind of a bummer.
It's been great riding weather, hope to see more of you out there on the roads and some of our events.
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