Atlanta/North Georgia meetup!

I guess this was the night of 'couldn't make it's'. I got about 15 miles from home and my bike broke down on me. It was an easy fix but I had to wait for my brother to bring me some tools. By the time he got there and I got it fixed it was too late to drive the rest of the way.

Oh well, the swap meet is in a couple of weeks!
If anyone is up early a bunch of us are planning on meeting up at The Original Pancake House for breakfast, then hitting Caffeine and Octane then hitting the swap meet.
So, I think the plan for meetup this month is to head to the Vortex for the Cafe Racer season premier party. Hopefully I will be able to make it to this one.
There should be a ton of guys going to the Cafe Racer Premier party. Wish I could go, but I've got to be in Bristol 8am Friday morning no way to pull it off.
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