Belated Intro: Noah Know-Nothing in New York


New Member
Hey guys,

Never did this initially, my name is Noah, I'm a cop in NYC (let the booing/legal questions begin) and I've been riding off and on for about 5 years. Was lurking for about 6 months before I went and bought an RD250 and then shortly after a WAY better sorted CB750F.

This community is an invaluable resource, such a collection of knowledge and personality. It's like a rock show mixed with an engineering class, I can't get enough of it. Sick.

Would love to kick it sometime with NYC area folk, and get some rides going once my projects are up and running. I ride my other bike a lot, but its so lame I won't let anyone here see it, I'd die of shame.

Thanks for the laughs, the insight, and the help. DTT.
ever want to come to Pittsburgh, PA? I hear that our child mayor is desperately seeking part time policing help during the G20 Summit next month...

if ever there was a time to avoid the city, that weekend will be it.
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