Belfountain meetup?


Been Around the Block
Hi everybody,

I just got back from a couple years travelling and moved out to the Caledon area for the summer. Is there anybody out this way? Want to meet up for ride monday of the long weekend? Either in Belfountian or on Olde Baseline rd by the "badlands" (between hwy 10 and mississauga road).

If the monday doesn't work, thats cool, just looking for some riding mates out here.
I'm kind of hoping to get out that way for a ride sometime this weekend but with all the projects I've got going on here, along with ones the wife wants me to do, not sure when I'll get out.

Was just up that way weekend before last. Welcome back and good choice on a place to hang out for the riding season! Being in Toronto sucks, having to suffer on the 401 to get anywhere worth going.
I am in Georgetown so not too far...not sure about Monday but maybe you can join the West End Boyz on Tuesday night rides.
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