Berner from Northeast


Been Around the Block
hey, I've been pokin' around this site for a while's actually turned into an addiction of mine. Anyways, I've been riding since I was 17 and since moving to Minneapolis for college 5 years ago haven't hopped on a bike at all...That is, until I bought this sweet ass '74 cb360 on the cheap off C-list. I rode it about 45 minutes back to the cities and for a few weeks 'til I decided the Minnesota Cold had hit too early. I've never really worked on bikes but consider myself very handy. I have a few manuals and a few friends, hopin' to get some help from YOU too!

Here's my ride. Day one. Before the exchange of cash. Look how happy I am!



Nice bike dude!
Now take her apart and start a thread in big arse projects!
Oh, and welcome to the forum and all that :p
Yep. Take it apart until you don't recognize some of the parts anymore, then re-learn where they all go after being restored....then you've started a cafe project!

Welcome to the addiction!
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