Brat seat cover help!


New Member
Hi guys, I'm doing my first build with a mate, it's going really well, got my tank sorted, loads of welding work done on the frame, just wanna get my seat sorted now.
My question is as follows: I made a seat pan, bought foam and vinyl to cover it, took it to a local guy who makes custom seats, perfect I thought! He gave me a rough quote (about £100) which I though was fine but now he's got the stuff and I've explained what I want, ie a flat brat style seat with a pleated top (standard I thought) he's trying to tell me that pleating won't work and it won't be waterproof and he doesn't seem interested in doing what I'm after. Is he on the money and it will let loads of water into the seat foam (in which case how come I've seen hundreds of bikes with lovely pleated seats?) or is this guy just inept? Any advice or if anyone has heard similar things I'd love to hear from you guys.
Below is a pic of where the bike is if you want to have a look. 77 gs550.
I could see rain getting in between the stitching. If the foam is neoprene or a closed cell foam it doesn't matter as much. Mines pleated but never sees rain, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

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This guy does good work and I've seen some done by him exactly as you want

Caulfield Leather
Unit J
Joseph Adamson Ind Estate
Hyde, Cheshire
SK14 1EE

Tel: 0161 367 9324


You cant get them properly water proof with any ribbed or diamond style stitching as to get the raised pattern they glue thin foam to the back of the leather or vinyl then stitch through the two to make the ribs or diamonds etc.

By punching a hole through the outer vinyl/leather with the needle when you stitch through your letting water through to the foam behind it.

I think they usually add a properly water proof layer underneath between the outer cover and the foam of the seat so the whole thing doesn't act like one big sponge.
Or find someone who knows how to do a proper tuck and roll. Apparently few and far between these days.
You could try this if you're worried about waterproof:

That would work well if you're just going to round the edges and attach it on the bottom. However, if you're doing a sewn cover with seems around the edges your upholstery guys worries are moot since those seems will let water in too. I made this seat and I used waterproof foam but if it got wet it would still get your butt wet for a while later every time you sat on it.

Cheers for the help guys, seeing the upholsterer today so will let you all know how it pans out! Hopefully I'll get some pics up once it's done too.
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