Bringing Quebec titled bike into Ontario

Go to the licence office and be all "hey I bought this bike" and they'll be all "oh ok"....

What im getting at here is that registering it is no different from an ontario title. I did one just last year.
Yeah? I know its a bitch to get an affidavit for a bike that was SOLD from QC here in Ontario based on a sales receipt.

Your serious, you have swapped ownership over the border without any fees?
yeah im serious. It had a quebec title, I wrote myself a receipt in franglais (lost the origional receipt, or it was too old or something) then just registered it here in Ottawa. No different then registering a Ontario bike.

Im not fucking with you dude. Its not like its from a foreign country. Despite their very best efforts, Quebec is still a part of Canada.

If you have the ownership then it should be no problem. Also, now that I think about it- The bike I bought came with a parts bike. I gave the parts bike to my buddy and he went and got a title for it. Wasnt all that hard either, and I got it in Quebec. So yeah.... not a big deal.
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