"Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

High priced and carnival worthy, but it does look to be well done. Other than the sissy bar, not too sure about that one. Overall though at least it looks like he really cared for each sub assembly during the build.
Wondering if the deal includes the green seat.
That, and More! Barney costume comes with it. ;D (Apologies to Hurco who did it first).


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Re: "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

Wangofree said:
That, and More! Barney costume comes with it. ;D (Apologies to Hurco who did it first).
No apology needed, that is excellent =)
surffly said:
Buddy is selling his triumph.

hahahah "not a leak" :D

that helicopter dint crash neither it just sufferd a "hard landing"
me wants! im tempted to throw a bid down, but I probably couldn't muster what it would take to get it off of reserve, let alone what it will actually go for..

Or this one. "My wife insists"

Meaning "honey I put it on craigslist, see"

with a price of 12k. as they say on American pickers "whats your ""I don't wanna sell it"" price"

surffly said:
Meh, Brit guys know the comment.

My triumph doesn't 'weep' oil anywhere out of the case. Tell him to dab a thin line of high temp silicone on that seal. It is a nice looking bike, pretty solid price too.
One of the guys I worked with this summer has a new Enfield 500. The company owners made him put cardboard under it when he parked inside because he's had a history of leaky brit bikes. Sure this one just leaked chain oil, but I still thought it was funny. We were eating lunch one day and he mentioned that he used to have an older Sprtster ('64 I think?) and one of the owners just looked at him and said "So is buying leaky bikes just your thing or what?" ;D
Re: "Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

Is this worth $400-$500? Guy is a mechanic and seems really cool. He started at $500 with me and said he's "very motivated to sell"
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