Can't remember the name of this bike...


I remember reading (a couple of years ago?) about this strange sport bike with a scooter or cruiser style seating position. Sort of like the Honda DN-01, but even worse. I want to say the bike was from the late 80s or early 90s and some motorcycle racing guy have some input into the design? I think they only ended up making a handful of them.

Anyone help me out?
Was it Dan Gurney's Alligator?
Kop and I were having a discussion about motorcycle start up companies. I couldn't remember the name of the guys who made this monstrosity.
I agree it looks ugly when you're looking at just the bike but IMO it looks much better with a rider on board.

I remember reading about those. The only negative thing I have read about them are its looks. Test riders and owners rave about the ride and handling.
xb33bsa said:
izzat eddie?

bah !! it ain't a proper motersickle if you can't stand up on the pegs 8)

Yeah, I like having the option to jump if need be ;D
Yep, that's Eddie. I kind of doubt Dan Gurney Racing would turn out a product that doesn't perform. Looks aside, it did get very good reviews- and it was definitely outside the box thinking.
Low COG wold help but no way can you move around on the bike and distribute your weight and all that weight on your arse with no way to relieve the pressure would be uncomfortable after few miles.
I think a recumbant like that with retractable training type wheel deelies would be excellent ride for a rider with spinal injuries,wheelchair bound etc
I just personally don't like the idea of being so low to the ground and not being able to stand up
Saw 2 of these on the way home from Barber yesterday. Not as awful in person, but still uncool.
Flugtechnik said:
Saw 2 of these on the way home from Barber yesterday. Not as awful in person, but still uncool.
There was one in the museum as well
in huge print on the wall it said:

Dan Gurney Motorcycle Manufacturer or the Gurney Alligator.
Must suck to be known for that
I just imagine hitting something head on, it looks like your nuts would take most of the abuse.
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