Carb Float Bowl Gasket Materlal


Coast to Coast
I've an old Kawasaki enduro carb I'm working on - very clean inside and no issues except for a missing float bowl gasket. A DPO had tried to use some sort of sealant, which lasted about a minute before it started leaking.
Has anyone found sheet gasket material that works for float bowl gaskets? I can find rebuild kits for it, but pretty stiff prices considering I just want a gasket.
Let me know.
Your local auto supply store should have gasket material in flat sheets.
Napa has it Pat. I got a full sheet ages ago and been using it for this kind of thing for a while. Still have prob half the sheet left.
Make sure your fuel level is below the gasket flange. I haven't seen a carb yet designed to run with normal fuel level above the float bowl flange line.
Pulled a roll of FelPro Karropak off the store room shelf and I'll be jiggered, it says, "for sealing oil, coolant and gasoline". Never knew, always just used it for engine gaskets.
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