Catch y'all a bit later okay!


It's not yours 'til you cut it up.
In a week or so I'll be getting into another year of university studies. I did well last year 'cause I spent a buttload of time work my ass off to get the grades I wanted which meant I spent bugger all time on here. I'm about to do the same again until around november of this year when exams are finished for semester two. For the most part I won't check in here much but I'll stop by and say hi here and there if I get a chance and update the builds if I get time to do anything on them. Thanks to the lot of ya for some great company and laughs over the summer. Hope you all have a good year and I'll see you all later on, just in time for the mayans to pull the plug on this universe.


good luck fella, quick lets move the site while he's away (oops I said that out loud didn't I ::))
Ah, I remember trying to focus on my studies. But then I had this poster on the wall of my bedroom...


Good Luck Staffy ;)
Thanks for all the well wishing folks. Like I said I'll pop in now and again but I just can't keep up with this place and the studies so I'll pick the latter and run with that.

It all kicks off in earnest from the 20th of feb though so I'll be kicking around for another week or so yet.
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