Probably the reason you 're having problems with the exhaust is the fact they're not CL175 exhausts - the factory exhausts were both on the left side of the bike, CL160, 175, whatever.
They're probably aftermarket pipes (MCM, Bates, Webco, whomever). They even could be CA95S pipes (there was a version of the 150cc. CA95 Benly / Dream with left and right high pipes - an attempt by Honda marketing to boost sales of the stodgy looking CA95 I guess) but your pipes look too long for them. All of them would probably need tweeking to varying degrees, but keep working on them - IMHO, they look better than the CL175 pipes I'm using on my CD175 and I think they look great on your bike.
Great project. Love your work.
Pat Cowan,
Vintage Motorcycle Fiberglass
by Pacomotorstuff