Cb250rs cafe


Northern Suburbs, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
Here we have a fine example of the Honda Cb 250 Rs, a friend has had it hold up in his back yard for a couple of years, so after being shown the cafe light by my brother in law, i asked my friend if he would like me to clean up his back yard and take the little gem off his hands. once we got it home i went straight to work stripping off all the ugly bits and mocking it up. Now it didnt go anywhere over summer as our ski boat needed some affection too..... so here we are the story will continue.... ???


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the stripdown has started

heres some new images of the stripdown started on the weekend. Now we can get ready to have the frame modified, and ive started looking around for the bits i need for the rebuild.....

I was supprised at how easy it was to take the wiring loom out, its amazing how much more of the bike you see and the ideas you get when you get up close and personal with it.....

The motor came out without complaint and realy started to show what we had to work with in the frame department..

once we had it down to the bare frame i enjoyed lookng at the simplisity of it all, aswell as helping in the ideas area for what mods i want to make to it without detracting from the simple clean look we want to have in the end product..


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here are a few more images of the strip down to look over

here are the latest images for the weekends work

Just liked this image of the rear end, couldnt help but show it....

We are going to keep the original tank, mainly because of the fuel cap lock, but its also long and sleak looking with the knee dents to keep the look, very cool....

This metal gaurd is and original peice from inside the rear cowl, it seems such a waste to hide it, even with its pressed lines it just looks so good bolted on as the rear fender and most of the factory holes can be reused for mounting, lights and number plate bolts.

Its often said that the engine its the heart of any machine, i had it sitting on the ground and took this pic thinking it realy did look like a heart with its arteries still attached


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Re: CB400f, what a great gift

The wife and i have just returned from a week long trip up and down the coast from Melbourne to Brisbane in our motor home, with plenty of stops along the way including Sydney where my Sister and her Husband Hardy live. How exciting you may say however Hardy is the bloke who although i have been into bikes for around 25yrs really got me into cafe racers and introduced me to Do The Ton. While visiting them he showed me the progress made and ideas for his own Suzuki cafe ( what a beast ) he also surprised me by very generously giving me a Honda Cb400f ( bored to 500 ). Needing some wiring, front brake and general tidying will turn into a nice cafe for myself, with a complete rebuild planned for after the wife's CB250rs cafe is completed, all the more reason to get hers finished now!!!!!!! So considering i had the bike trailer on behind the motor home with our Honda 600 tourer, with a couple of small mods i was able to bring the 400 back home and once i had recovered from about 3600kms of driving i spent a couple of hours looking over it and got it running so not to long before i can get out onto the road and DO THE TON !!!!! Ive added a pic at the bottom...


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Re: CB400f, what a great gift

and a couple more


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Re: CB400f, what a great gift

these are just a couple of pics from the trip when we stopped at the Australian national motorcycle museum in nabiac new south wales


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Re: CB400f, what a great gift

that is awesome! man you have rooo's in your back yard! ha ha ha ha only thing i have in mine is burglers!
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

You have to clear up your shop. Those are the biggest rats I have ever seen!

Nice work on the bike
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

JRK5892 said:
that is awesome! man you have rooo's in your back yard! ha ha ha ha only thing i have in mine is burglers!

Thats hell funny man!!!! maybe you should get a couple of roo's and a sign "never mind the owner or the dog beware of the rats!" tehehe
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

msimm43 said:
You have to clear up your shop. Those are the biggest rats I have ever seen!

Nice work on the bike

you've seen the size of them, would you like to try and move them out? hahaha considering when there in a group there called a mob!
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

wonder what kangaroo tastes like ??? Could use one for my trophy wall too LOL
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

MN_TX650 said:
wonder what kangaroo tastes like ??? Could use one for my trophy wall too LOL

Well you can legaly eat roo and it tastes like a cross between Beef, Lamb and game very tender and lean YUM YUM, Oaw noo now i feel like a roo steak!
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

Can an out of country-men come down and hunt the hoppy little bastards?
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

ha ha ha ha i can just see our drunk asses in the deer roo stands... baiting with beans ha ha ha ha wonder what a 30/6 would do to that sucker... i bet they are solid as a deer.. but blood trailing one of those suckers would prob be a pain in the ASS!
Re: CB400f, what a great gift

I ordered my passport last week. Lets do it man!! Would make for some wicked funny videos. Redneck Roo Huntin. ;D Check out my new camo for dove huntin

Cb250Rs, finally the parts are off to be blasted and chromed!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a few pic's of the parts that have headed off to be renewed. Most of them are getting chromed while the frame is being blasted before its trip to the engineer for some fab work for the rear inner guard and seat pan... shouldn't be long now before we can start strapping it all back together!!!!


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Re: Back to the Cb250Rs, parts renewal underway!!!!!

Dude you dont need to hunt them, infact you cant unless you know someone who has a farm or you have a hunters licence and then again alot of the rangers around here have huge ego's, therefore make your hunting days very hard.

you can buy it at any butcher section in all supermarkets.

the best are the kanga bangas! (kangaroo sausages)

i also heard that kangaroo is one of our main exported meats. so im sure you might be able to find it in the states. if not go hunt that roo thats causing havoc in new york thats all over the news!

p.s. sorry for the hijack andy!
Re: Cb250Rs, finally the parts are off to be blasted and chromed!!!!!!!!!!

andycafe said:
Here is a few pic's of the parts that have headed off to be renewed. Most of them are getting chromed while the frame is being blasted before its trip to the engineer for some fab work for the rear inner guard and seat pan... shouldn't be long now before we can start strapping it all back together!!!!

stoked to have some of the parts back from the blasters while the rest have headed off to be chromed, cant wait to send the others of to be painted up, all good things come in time


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Re: Back to the Cb250Rs, parts renewal underway!!!!!

just an early mock up pic i wanted to show


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