Been Around the Block
Have a 75 cb550 that wont start, put multimeter across ignition coils and one of them was reading 1 ohm... So I bought a new one, when it came in I made sure to check it before installation. It read 3.6 Ohms prior to installation. Put it in, bike still would not start so I checked them again and the coil I replaced is now reading back at 1 ohm.
Here is the problems known and how I have addressed them thus far:
Previous owner removed stock ignition coil bracket and put in and replaced it with accel super coils under the seat. One was reading 1 ohm so I bought a new super coil kit in hopes it would alleviate the issue of why the bike wouldnt start. New spark plugs, new wires, and new coils. Still no start. Going to make sure timing is set correctly next
Question: On this cb550, where do the ignition coils get power from? as the p.o. ran his own wires. Found them routed to the points. where else?
Another issue is the carbs will have a steady stream of gas out of the drain tubes when the petcock is on. I replaced the floats and needles and seats and adjusted floats to the correct height yet they still will pour gas out.
Here is the problems known and how I have addressed them thus far:
Previous owner removed stock ignition coil bracket and put in and replaced it with accel super coils under the seat. One was reading 1 ohm so I bought a new super coil kit in hopes it would alleviate the issue of why the bike wouldnt start. New spark plugs, new wires, and new coils. Still no start. Going to make sure timing is set correctly next
Question: On this cb550, where do the ignition coils get power from? as the p.o. ran his own wires. Found them routed to the points. where else?
Another issue is the carbs will have a steady stream of gas out of the drain tubes when the petcock is on. I replaced the floats and needles and seats and adjusted floats to the correct height yet they still will pour gas out.