cl360 led blinkers need 3 or two prong electronic flasher


New Member
Hi Guys, Upgrading my blinkers to leds with resistors built in. My stock flasher has two prongs do I need a three prong one?

And some suggestions have been DOT 522 Flasher or Tridon EP35 three prong.

Has anyone used these?

THANKS in advance! -Dshricci
if you are changing to an electronic flasher for LED's then the resistor is not necessary.....resistors are only there to create a load on the circuit as if it were a incandescent bulb so that the regular flasher can operate. So either resistor and normal flasher or no resistor and electronic flasher. If you have a two prong but get a three prong LED flasher......I think the 3rd prong can be grounded

Anyone else have some more info on this??
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