Clubman bar installation - bar weights


Active Member

I just got my clubman/cafe bars last night and started to mock them up on my bike. It is a Yamaha 81 XS400, the original bars were the pullback type and look like the photo below:

When I pulled off the original handlebars there was a 12" long weighted cylinder in each bar. The weights did not extend past the grips and were at least an inch or two from the end of the bar. I am assuming this was placed in to reduce vibrations. My question is should I place these weights back inside my clubman bars? They will fit and won't interfere with my bar end mirrors. I am looking for a suggestion before I put on the grips and find out I should have/haven't put the weights back in.

Are you using bar end mirrors? You might run into a problem if you are.

Otherwise, try it with and without the weights. If it makes a difference, leave em in.
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