Coronavirus - Old Biker's Solution


TJ - Beachcomber
yes I know it's serious ....... but.


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^^ You've got that right! Yesterday I got a note from my brother, The Mad Scientist. The poor guy lost his wife to cancer late last summer and at 76 years old is adjusting to living alone. He's doing pretty well but this note I got yesterday tells me he'll be ok. He's the oldest and I'm the youngest and there are 12 years between us but out of the four of us he and I are the most alike. A couple of the things we share are a very low level of tolerance for BS and a sarcastic sense of humor. His comments tell me that he's getting largely back to his old self:

"just picked up mail and went to the local groc store. The only bare shelves I saw there were those that normally have paper towels and toilet paper --- totally devoid of product! I already mentioned the recent trip to Costco a few days ago where cartloads of TP were leaving the store. What in the name of idiocy is that all about? Do folks think that if someone in their household contracts the virus the symptoms will be just like dysentery?
I''ve not been following every much of the hoopla but see some on line and a few comments on tv., among which I haven't noticed any "----- get our virus hack folks! Make your own super virus filter using our directions and TP!" which is about the only thing that occurs to me -- other than some ill found rumor that TP manufacturers are gonna be hardest hit ---- mortality is predicted to be very high in that business. There surely will be a terrible shortage of product over the next couple of years! Stock up now while supplies still last!

My raisin and craisin supplies being a little more important to me than having 100 rolls of TP on hand, I checked those at that local grocery store --- plenty there but I didn't buy any as I can get over twice the amount of raisins and nearly 4 times the amount of craisins for the same $ at Costco DV. now watch when I happen to get by there someone will have figured out how the TP filters work better if they are smeared with mashed raisins or craisins -------------

Yep his attitude is on the way back...
^^ You've got that right! Yesterday I got a note from my brother, The Mad Scientist. The poor guy lost his wife to cancer late last summer and at 76 years old is adjusting to living alone. He's doing pretty well but this note I got yesterday tells me he'll be ok. He's the oldest and I'm the youngest and there are 12 years between us but out of the four of us he and I are the most alike. A couple of the things we share are a very low level of tolerance for BS and a sarcastic sense of humor. His comments tell me that he's getting largely back to his old self:

"just picked up mail and went to the local groc store. The only bare shelves I saw there were those that normally have paper towels and toilet paper --- totally devoid of product! I already mentioned the recent trip to Costco a few days ago where cartloads of TP were leaving the store. What in the name of idiocy is that all about? Do folks think that if someone in their household contracts the virus the symptoms will be just like dysentery?
I''ve not been following every much of the hoopla but see some on line and a few comments on tv., among which I haven't noticed any "----- get our virus hack folks! Make your own super virus filter using our directions and TP!" which is about the only thing that occurs to me -- other than some ill found rumor that TP manufacturers are gonna be hardest hit ---- mortality is predicted to be very high in that business. There surely will be a terrible shortage of product over the next couple of years! Stock up now while supplies still last!

My raisin and craisin supplies being a little more important to me than having 100 rolls of TP on hand, I checked those at that local grocery store --- plenty there but I didn't buy any as I can get over twice the amount of raisins and nearly 4 times the amount of craisins for the same $ at Costco DV. now watch when I happen to get by there someone will have figured out how the TP filters work better if they are smeared with mashed raisins or craisins -------------

Yep his attitude is on the way back...
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". We need George Carlin now more than ever.
On a more serious note ..... be careful out there my DTT Brothers.

Let's see you ALL on the other side of this.
I heard there's a rumor out there that the Charmin bear family has made so much money they've quietly put down a deposit on an entire island in Fiji.

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i'm betting whoever is up on the international space station is in no hurry for their uber....
i'm betting whoever is up on the international space station is in no hurry for their uber....

"...uhhhh, Houston, you've got a problem. We'll stay here, the door is locked, don't come knocking. ISS Out"
Ha! As for the TP thing. It was on the news early on that Australia ran out of TP and there was mass panic. What all the dumbasses buying it up don't realize is oz get tp from china, which was shut down for a month. NA gets theirs from NA and we are not shutting down tp production anytime soon. Well they may later when no one needs any cause they bought 2 years supply LOL
Yeah, I was thinking about hair... this morning Mrs Ridesolo was complaining that she needs a haircut... before this is over we're all going to start looking like Grizzly Adams. (Well in my case a slightly bald Grizzly Adams.). The Big Hair days are returning is my prediction.
Sad to report that my build buddy and long time [ 45 years ] pal Brian has been diagnosed with CV. He was already in the high risk group after having 1/2 a lung removed due to asbestosis / cancer just over a year ago.

He is responding well [ he's an awkward fucker just like me ] and will fight this.

However, I mention this as NONE of us will be immune to potential contamination - stay safe my DTT Brothers and Sisters.


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Hope he pulls through, and that you and yours stay free of it. It sounds like the anti-malaria drug might really help. Having taken it years ago for a trip to India, it is no picnic, either.
From Canadian national media.

I have read there were 2 different vaccine trials started in the US this past week (Washington state and Boston maybe) and I think it is 3 more trials of different vaccines will start here in Canada (BC and Quebec?) this week and the following few (Globe and Mail I think). About 20 labs worldwide are at or very close to the trials stage (maybe the TO Star). My sources may not be right, I've read so much in the last couple weeks, but the reporting was from quality journalists.
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Yeah, I was thinking about hair... this morning Mrs Ridesolo was complaining that she needs a haircut... before this is over we're all going to start looking like Grizzly Adams. (Well in my case a slightly bald Grizzly Adams.). The Big Hair days are returning is my prediction.

Big hair can be good!
Home made COVID19 mask
Step 1, grow hair out to Captain Caveman length...
Step 2, pull over face.
I guess step 3 is shock people when they think you are facing away from them...

Again, hoping some laughter is good medicine.
"I'm a bit hard of hearing but I think my doctor told me it is OK to go out on Saturdays and Sundays. He said I have a weekend immune system."

Avoid crowded places = Ride motorcycle
Practice social distancing = Ride motorcycle
Avoid public transportation = Ride motorcycle
Wear protective gloves = Ride motorcycle
Try not to touch contaminated surfaces = Don't let anyone touch your motorcycle
Well ventilated spaces are virus free = Ride motorcycle



And finally... No, this ISN'T @trek97!

Avoid crowded places = Ride motorcycle
Practice social distancing = Ride motorcycle
Avoid public transportation = Ride motorcycle
Wear protective gloves = Ride motorcycle
Try not to touch contaminated surfaces = Don't let anyone touch your motorcycle
Well ventilated spaces are virus free = Ride motorcycle
My name is Redbird, and I endorse this solution ;)
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