Custom Cafe Virago 920 $4750

I think your bike is pretty sharp my fellow Wisconsinite...however I also think the asking price is a little high-best of luck with the sale though! Stick around awhile and look around friend- this has to be one of (if not THE) friendliest and most knowledgeable motorcycle forum on the interwebz.

Not even double digit posts in 2 + years ?
It would have been far better for this community and you if you had shared the build as it progressed .
It's the difference between laughing with you and laughing at you .
This bunch would rather spend 8 hours fabricating a lever than spend $40 on one .
There is a thread on these pages dedicated solely to the ridicule of overpriced , ugly , dangerous Craigslist cafe racer of the week .
On one hand , more power to ya if you can get $5k for a XV . On the other hand damn you and your ilk for driving up the price of my raw materials to the point where this is approaching a business again instead of a hobby . I used to be able to find xs650's all week for as little as $200running , now I can't find a basket for $2k .
Around here it may well be the journey as the countless build threads will attest . Here it's about testing yourself and applying what you have learned to your vision of a motorcycle . Along with the help of thousands .
I'm not half as interested in how you get on with your sale as how you manage with the membership .

Re: Re: Custom Cafe Virago 920 $4750

kopcicle said:

Not even double digit posts in 2 + years ?
It would have been far better for this community and you if you had shared the build as it progressed .
It's the difference between laughing with you and laughing at you .

OK - so, I try not to over-moderate or step in with what some might perceive as some authoritative stance on stuff. At the end of the day I try to remain a member, as anyone else is.

But I've also spent a lot of time over the last 6+ years trying to encourage civil, thoughtful, constructive discussion on the site.

General rule is a selling thread is not the place to debate the value of an item being sold. This has come up once or twice before and I've stepped in as needed to help direct the conversation. A seller and potential buyer are welcome to discuss openly should they choose the item being sold, it's relative value, the cost of various parts or what have you.

If people want to have a discussion about membership, contributions, how many posts a member should have before posting something up for sale etc, I'm happy to have the discussion on the site, in the right place, in general terms. These are ideas that impact everyone on the site and I'm happy to have a wide ranging discussion on the different topics where everyone will see it and participate.

The long-standing rule has been on selling threads that if you're not interested in the item, then that's that. Go find something else to look at.

Having some of your first posts be the selling of a bike without the benefit of any background story, pics etc. is never a good idea, but it has happened before and will happen again.

I appreciate the tone of the discussion has remained reasonable and nobody has deleted their account over it, but let's continue the discussion in the Lounge.
I have always had a personal policy of not commenting in a forum thread on what a seller's motorcycle is worth. I will sometimes send a personal message if I think someone is asking too much but I won't sully their sale thread.

That being said, I think the hilarity of this particular thread transcends all general rules and polite protocols.

Especially hilarious: "Cafe racer bobber rat rod style."

This guy truly believes this screwball monstrosity is worth $4,750. That's entertainment, man!
AlphaDogChoppers said:
I have always had a personal policy of not commenting in a forum thread on what a seller's motorcycle is worth.

This guy truly believes this screwball monstrosity is worth $4,750. That's entertainment, man!

Alpha, I find it very funny how you break your personal policy in the very same post you that you state your policy. :eek:
First, everyone, it's PRIMADONNA. It's not PREmadonna or PRE Madonna.

Second, who cares?!?!? When he doesn't sell the bike maybe he'll come down to a reasonable offer. Or maybe he'll sell it for his full asking price. Not sure why everyone has to jump on the guy. You can say you're just trying to inform him but that should be done via a simple PM instead of calling him out on a public forum. If everyone here is a builder who doesn't want a finished bike at a high price then why does it even need to be said? I'd think just letting the thread die and sink down the page and into obscurity would make more sense rather than just bumping it over and over. (ironic that I actually did just that with this post)
facefirst35 said:
First, everyone, it's PRIMADONNA. It's not PREmadonna or PRE Madonna.

Yes, we get that. It's part of what is so hilarious.

facefirst35 said:
I'd think just letting the thread die and sink down the page and into obscurity would make more sense rather than just bumping it over and over. (ironic that I actually did just that with this post)

I was gonna say...

Seriously, this shit is funny.
It's quite clear to all observers, that no one here has diminished the sales prospect of this bike to anyone on this forum, so no harm done. Really, that is the point of refraining from making, "Your price is too high," comments.

I tell people at my shop, that customization is done for YOU, not the next owner of the bike. Every modification to a bike narrows the bike's prospective market, therefore, the cost of modifying is hardly ever made back in the sale of the bike.

There is a bike shop near me that speciallizes in high end paint work, and working on XS650's. He had a VERY nice XS650, beautifully customized and a fantastic paint job. He had it for sale for $3,500.
The sx 650 has a nice looking paint job.
That's the kind of work I do, you can ask a couple Milwaukee outlaws too!
I had 2 paint jobs on bikes at the world of wheels wi this year.
1st and 2nd places an older Harley and a trike. My forte are air ride trucks. So for all the guys that can only build bikes good for you!!
Oh yeah guys and gals, if you go to a racing event
Like a NASCAR race or nhra race this summer and you see the snap on semi trailers
Check it out I painted the guitar that they have on display with there tool boxes. Btw
Hell yeah man, let's see the paint! Like has been said before, the bike you built is pretty bad ass, I think everyone just wants to see what you're made of!

Still can't figure the picture thing out

These little cb's I help out local high school every year
For a local bike build in Milwaukee
More to come
Think I have the picture thing kinda down now
That poor Maxim has the most ridiculous riding position... :eek:

Nice paint jobs tho....
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