I do like the idea of noise cancelling well fitted are plugs/pods/buds, but I'm not the demographic that can afford $350 silence, let alone the $2,999 top of the line model.
I have had a few different sets of noise cancelling headphones for air travel and a friends has them in his helicopter, so I know how well they can work, but my budget doesn't stretch that far unfortunately.
That said, I guess my noise cancelling set of Bose headphones cost $300 so it's really not that much of a stretch. Maybe the issue for me is that I can be on a plane for hours and need to save my ears and sanity. On a bike, I do more 1/4 mile at a time type miles and earplugs are adequate for that task. Maybe if I rode for longer, my budgeting priorities would be different.
That's worth thinking about.