Dings and Dongs - DIY tank repairs


Active Member
We've all heard and seen many different ways of fixing those little dings and dents on gas tanks. They go from using a hair dryer and liquid Co2 to expand and contract the metal, dry ice, lighter and air gun, and to PDR (Paintless Dent Repair). Which of these, if any, have you guys tried/done with good results?
i tried the heat gun/ compressed air trick the other day and had no luck. not sure if the dent was too big or if i did it wrong but i'm also interested in others experiences with this.
the heat gun only works on thin metal... like an aluminum tank. it wont work on steel tanks.

i just say do it the good old way with a punch and a hammer (whatever its called) and then have the hole welded up then paint the tank.

Or just leave the dents.

Dents= character
What's the best way to fix a pinhole leak? I was thinking some Jbweld (it's on the bottom of the tank) but am not entirely sure whether that will hold up......
Disliked23 said:
What's the best way to fix a pinhole leak? I was thinking some Jbweld (it's on the bottom of the tank) but am not entirely sure whether that will hold up......

JB weld should do the trick if its small enough. Honestly, JB weld is some damn strong stuff. I used it to seal a leak on the coolant tube running inbtween the cylinders on his honda shadow... hasnt leaked since, and id be damned if anyone can pull it out without heat.

if its bigger then a milimeter, id say get it welded.

Before you apply JB weld make sure the surface is clean clean clean.
The hot/cold routine only works with extremes in temp and smooth dents.

A good heatgun will put out between 1200 and 1500 degrees which is plenty. Get yourself a bucket and fill it with water and lots of ice. Get a big sponge and use that to wet the heated area. Keep in mind if you have a crease you're screwed, this method generally only works on smooth dents.
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