Our Nominees:
doombug - SYM Wolf 150
scott s - CB550F Street Tracker
Here are the Nomination Rules:
1. Nominate one of our members' bikes for Bike of the Month - include up to 3 flattering pictures of the bike in question. This is an opportunity to recognize someone who's bike has inspired you.
Please don't nominate your own bike - make sure you have a well detailed build thread, post up in the Show n Shine area etc. and if enough people like your bike, someone will nominate it and maybe you'll see it as our banner in an upcoming month!
The Nomination must be accompanied by the member's User Name, a link to the thread where their bike is best described (Build thread, Show n Shine etc.) and a PHOTO of the bike in question.
2. Someone seconds the nomination (please only second one nomination)
3. Member should accept the nomination - If you're nominating a bike, make sure you're in contact with the owner, that they want the bike included and they accept the nomination. The Nominee should provide some back-story on the project, especially if there is a limited build thread.
4. Bike must be in running roadworthy condition - no basket cases. I know our bikes are never really 'finished' but it should be on the road/track/dirt and rideable.
5. If a bike has been nominated in the previous month but did not win, it should not be included in the current month's contest. Wait 3 months to allow other worthy nominations and then resubmit if you like.
6. Bikes that have won in prior contests should not be included unless they have been modified significantly.
We will accept nominations for a few days till we have a good selection to a limit of 3 bikes per contest.
A poll will be set up and voting will take place for a week or so depending on timing. Whoever ends the voting period with the most votes wins
James (aka The Jimbonaut here on DTT) - the owner the jewelry company Lost Apostle - is now proudly sponsoring the BOTM competition, and sweetening the pot with a $75 gift certificate!
This can be redeemed at their awesome website -
Offering a wide selection of handmade bronze jewelry for the Renegade, the Rebel and the Rogue - now the BOTM winner can look sharp while tearing it up on their winning scoot.
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