Jacob Agaetis
Been Around the Block
Awesome shirts dude. Ordered mine as soon as I saw the post. I vote you make a Douchebag Hotel shirt specifically for us.
Jacob Agaetis said:Awesome shirts dude. Ordered mine as soon as I saw the post. I vote you make a Douchebag Hotel shirt specifically for us.
The Giant Robot Co. said:You have no idea how tempted I am...no idea. I feel like you and I are the only ones who would wear them though....lol.
4x.Jacob Agaetis said:I'd wear it to all my wife's work parties, take family photo's in it, and even maybe be buried in it. I totally let that fame go to my head.
The Giant Robot Co. said:If you somehow figure out how to be order #53 a prize will def be included.
Worst cb650 ever said:I think I may have failed at being 53rd and instead been in the first ten...I'll PM you to see if I get a cracker jack prize. I'm hoping for x-ray glasses...
Jacob Agaetis said:I've spent most of the day scouring the internet for pictures of those and can't seem to find any.
Jacob Agaetis said:Thanks Logan, I look forward to my bonus prize of "picture of boobs". I've spent most of the day scouring the internet for pictures of those and can't seem to find any.
bjonesin said:Hmm, better not use the work computer to open that link,better use my phone. Yup, made the right call on that.
Excited for my shirts!
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Maritime said:will be ordering a shirt right after payday. House poor at the moment.