dust wiper seals?


Been Around the Block
Does this mean I wouldnt have to use the old school dust seal on a cb750 if I used these? http://www.bikebandit.com/bikemaster-dust-wiper-seals
Interesting. I'm sort of in the same boat with my 360 and I'd like to know as well. Looks like it's a fork seal with a wiper built in. the only problem I see is that my fork seals are recessed into the lowers a bit and without the wipers up top, I could see a bunch of dirt and/or water just sitting on top of the seals with no wiper above them.
Those look like fork seals and not dust wipers even though the ad is deceiving in it's description. The dust wipers go on top of those seals and keep dirt and dust from getting to the seal. The description for those seals say that dust wiper seals are also available but they call the seals dust wipers in their title. I wouls still use dust wipers with those if your bike came with dust wipers or boots.
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