Been Around the Block
My CJ360 doesnt have much problems, but where her problems come from is the electrical...
It seems the former owner decided to hack her up and change the wires on me... the colors are all wrong!
Plus my father jumped the bike with a car charger, I think he fried my rectifier because it heats up really bad when I have the battery mounted...
So! A couple questions for you guys!
1. I want to order a new rectifier, will this work?
(I'm looking @ the Model R42a1 i.e. the first one)
2. I'm looking to change my turn signals & tail light to LED
> thinking about using this for tail/turn @ back (http://www.ebay.com/itm/28-LED-ALL-IN-ONE-Brake-Tail-Turn-Plate-Light-Quad-ATV-Dirt-Bike-Motorcycle-/160667195026?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item256882d692
> the stock flasher relay isnt working anyways
> which flasher relay should I use? I reckon It'd be different because I'll be using LED's now?
Sorry for all the questions, hope to get some help...
I'll just keep adding to my questions on here, but for now I wanna fix the rectifier problem
My CJ360 doesnt have much problems, but where her problems come from is the electrical...
It seems the former owner decided to hack her up and change the wires on me... the colors are all wrong!
Plus my father jumped the bike with a car charger, I think he fried my rectifier because it heats up really bad when I have the battery mounted...
So! A couple questions for you guys!
1. I want to order a new rectifier, will this work?
(I'm looking @ the Model R42a1 i.e. the first one)
2. I'm looking to change my turn signals & tail light to LED
> thinking about using this for tail/turn @ back (http://www.ebay.com/itm/28-LED-ALL-IN-ONE-Brake-Tail-Turn-Plate-Light-Quad-ATV-Dirt-Bike-Motorcycle-/160667195026?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item256882d692
> the stock flasher relay isnt working anyways
> which flasher relay should I use? I reckon It'd be different because I'll be using LED's now?
Sorry for all the questions, hope to get some help...
I'll just keep adding to my questions on here, but for now I wanna fix the rectifier problem