F**k The BLM


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Apparently the BLM is not happy about being badmouthed and have threatened to cancel all racing for 2016 on the salt.
We've already sent our entrance fees and talked to Mike Cook yesterday who was on the salt and said it was looking good fro racing.

That link is a redirect. It appears that Hotrod has pulled that story.
Hot Rod must have figured out all the story did was flame the fire and wouldn't get our way
The letter from the SCTA went all over the web. The butt hurt blame was being laid on USFRA by the BLM. The SCTA and Mike Cook Jr. have told people to not post anything else on it. Hopefully the SCTA will be able to smooth the ruffled feathers and we'll get to race. My entry is in just in case. I think it depends more on mother nature than the BLM.
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